Другие материалы
Карты Японии - географическая и административная карты Японии.
Хокку - здесь я собрал самые интересные, на мой взгляд, хокку русских авторов. Надеюсь вам понравится.
Анекдоты - Анекдоты, связанные со Страной Восходящего Солнца.
Харуки Мураками "Слушай песню ветра" (Murakami Haruki - Kaze no uta wo kike) (4,09 Мб) - отсканированная книга известного японского писателя на японском языке. Русский перевод этой книги можно скачать здесь (116 Кб).
Peter Greif - Нэцке. Краткий очерк символики (981 Кб) - Эта небольшая работа - окно в огромный мир образов искусства Юго-Восточной Азии. Загадочная красота и мудрость Востока живут и пульсируют под оболочкой неподвижных фигурок нэцке.
Contemporary Japanese Prints - Tadayasu Sakai - Японские плакаты 1950-1990
Today prints are a popular genre of contemporary art. They are made by both painters and sculptors and are no longer the exclusive province of professional printers. This expanded use of print media has led to new developments in printing techniques and the resulting artworks have gone far beyond the conventional concept of prints.
This exhibition has been organized to introduce the contemporary prints of Japan. It includes 75 works by 46 artists, all from the Japan Foundation collection. The works range from the 1950s, when Japan was just beginning to recover from the damage of the Second World War, to the present in order to give a broad overview. A wide variety of artists and types of work has also been selected to give the spectator a good idea of the range of this art form in postwar Japan.
The exhibition includes artists with quite long careers as well as younger artists who have just emerged on the scene. We have set 1950 as a cutoff point since that year marked a watershed in contemporary Japanese art. The current situation of contemporary art in this country is very different from what it was prior to 1950. There is an important legacy of styles from the thirties and forties, however, which should be kept in mind, and this historical perspective helps an understanding of the contemporary significance of Japanese prints, which was major consideration in organizing this exhibition. This is why we have included artists who were chiefly active during the thirties and forties, although the works of these artists selected for exhibition date from the fifties and after since that is when they began to receive proper recognition.
Hosted by uCoz